Facebook has been facing a lot of heat lately for mishandling the data of its users. There were allegations that Russians have used Facebook to manipulate US citizens subconsciously during the elections. So in order to bring more transparency and to whitewash the bad rep, Facebook has released a new feature that allows you to see the ads run by any page.
It will not only help the users to see if they are being manipulated, but it can also prove to be a boon for the business owners who like to keep a tab on their competitor’s ad campaigns. Knowing what your competitors are running can be extremely beneficial, especially before kick-starting your own campaign.
If you want to see the ads run by any company, person or political party, simply go to their page and click the “Info & Ads” Tab. It will show you all the ads run by that page, including the location.
Although this feature was not launched exclusively for this purpose, it’s definitely the best utilization. But be sure not to copy your competitor’s ads, as it will do more harm than good. Take ideas and then develop original concepts that click with your targeted audience.